To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl
To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl

To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl

Filled with tales of wealth and marriage, sex and snobbery - and 100-year-old gossip that's still scorching - "To Marry an English Lord" is a heavily illustrated and energetically presented popular history. It was the peak year of a social phenomenon that began when the entrenched members of old New York snubbed these "new money" families after the Civil War, sending them off to England in quest of class and bequeathing to us Anglomania, Preppy, the Jet Set, and even Princess Di. In 1895, nine American girls, including a Vanderbilt (railroads), LaRoche (pharmaceuticals), Rogers (oil) and Whitney (New York trolleys), married peers of the British new money, among them, a duke, an earl, three barons and a knight.

To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl

Author (s): Gail MacColl, Carol Wallace (Goodreads Author) ISBN.

  • To Marry an English Lord: Or How Anglomania Really Got Started (Paperback) Published January 9th by Workman Publishing Company.
  • In the difficult decades between the agricultural depression of the s and the aftermath of WW2, Yankee. Wallace and Gail MacColl, Workman Publishing Company, An Exuberant Catalogue of Dreams by Clive Aslet () is my favourite.
  • The blog Edwardian Promenade warmly recommended To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Carol McD.
  • To Marry an English Lord: Tales of Wealth and Marriage, Sex and Snobbery in the Gilded Age5(). To Marry an English Lord: Tales of Wealth and Marriage, Sex and Snobbery in the Gilded Age on download FREE shipping on qualifying offers. > CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD EBOOK > CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD EBOOK <<<<

    To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl

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    To Marry an English Lord or, How Anglomania Really Got Started by Gail MacColl