They live in woodlands, tundras, a variety of forest types, scrublands, and more. These are versatile birds, and they live in a variety of different habitat types. Sadly, an adult robin only has a 50% chance of survival in a given year. Many other species of animals feed on robins, including feral cats, hawks, owls, falcons, snakes, and more. Another’s Lunch – Though American Robins are the bane of the earthworm, they are far from the top of the food web.

Sometimes pesticides also impact the earthworms and other sources of food for these birds as well. Pesticide Problem – Sadly, because they like to forage on the ground, especially on cultivated lawns, these birds frequently suffer pesticide poisoning.You often see them trotting about the lawns of urban neighborhoods bright and early. The Early Bird Gets the Worm – This particular Robin species is essentially the source of the saying “the early bird gets the worm.” These birds spend their mornings yanking earthworms out of the ground while they are close to the surface.Learn what makes American Robins unique and interesting below. This species is common and easy for most people to identify. Interesting Facts About the American Robin Most American Robins measure about 10 inches long, and weigh around 3 ounces. They have stout, robust bodies with noticeably rounded bellies. Their chest and much of their underbelly is reddish orange. The shade of brown varies from individual to individual, with some a dark brown shade and others a dusty brown. Actually not such a bad birthday gift.Robins have brown plumage on their heads, backs, and wings. Now he's in a better place to assess his bullies in life and take them down without getting caught or drawing unnecessary attention to himself.a desirable trait for everyone in the Bat family *and* he learned invaluable mission skills that lay the foundation for the man he becomes.

By letting him have fun (and giving him the freedom to run missions on his own), he removed Dick's emotions from the equation to avoid clogging his analysis *and* kept him focused on potential threats when his guard may otherwise be down. not to mention that as dickish as Bruce appears for the truth behind the mission, he had Dick assessing "friends" for psychological weaknesses after he dealt physical blows to the bullies at school and got in trouble. It really showcases the strengths we see in the current Nightwing run and why Alfred wrote his will the way he did. It's classic Batman, but with more emotions added in thanks to Alfred and the feeling of an orphan adrift in life. Just studying the friction and relationships between the Wayne Manor trio.

The Killer Croc angle is neat, but the dynamic between Bruce and Dick is fascinating and could be the entire focus. I love this series and wish it wasn't so short.