And so do the huge feet and enormous hands of the creatures that live there, and when Saucepan sticks a saucepan on the thumb of an uninvited giant that is about to introduce himself, it is time to run-run-run madly away.

In short order they are on their brave and merry way, for the beans have become giant stalks, and Giant Land beckons. Will he help? Oh, Poor Connie!Ī sturdy young man, polite and hospitable, greets them welcomingly, and on hearing of their mission, Jack (for it is he), presses magic, mouldy beans into the ground. So off they go, our brave heroes, chugging along in a tiny train to where Jack lives. "Same way as Jack-and-the-Bean-Stalk did, of course. But how does one visit a land without waiting for it to return? "That's easy," says the Saucepan Man, beaming. Horrors! Where is Connie? Will she be saved?Īnd so to the rescue. When the others take her back up, all she can do is rebel yet again (will she ever learn.?) and, unnoticed, steps into the Land of Marvels at the top of the Tree just as it is leaving.

But a splash of the Washalot Water, and a dash of the Pixie's Angry Ink, soon shocks her into reality, and when she sobbingly wants to go back home, kind Silky comes to her rescue.īut before they can settle down to a feast of Hot Cold Goodies, with Pop Biscuits and Google Buns, Curious Connie (will she ever learn.?) slips sans cushion down the slippery slide, and lands, torn dress and all, down at the bottom of the tree. When Moonface invites them all to tea in the Enchanted Wood, Connie is excited despite her disbelief that such a place could ever exist. Jo, Bessie and Fanny are looking forward to introducing their strange and lovable friends to this city-gal. Pretty Connie-spoilt and stuck up, attired in dandy dresses and dainty ribbons, daughter of an old friend of the children's mother-has come to the cottage to stay awhile. We're off to visit the Folk of the Faraway Tree in this, the third and final book in the Enchanted Wood series. Now then, children of all ages between eight and eighty, strap yourselves in for a mad and magical dash up a gigantic tree and into the whitest of white clouds, from which-if you aren't careful-you may never return. "Stupid Moonface! Stupid Dame Washalot! Stupid Mister Watzisname! Mad, Deaf Saucepan Man!" Hmm.

"Awful Dick! Silly Enchanted Wood! Ridiculous Faraway Tree!" says Connie. The Folk of the Faraway Tree Review by Prabhu Viswanathan (June 19, 2006)