She was born in Welland, Ontario, Canada, in 1973 to Serbian immigrant parents from Yugoslavia. Nina Bunjevac lives in Toronto where she draws and teaches. Her nudes are highly erotic.This is a very handsome, full sized hardcover, an exceptional production cover to cover.

How she captures people and atmosphere so perfectly is amazing. The artwork here is superb, like a cross between the similar stipple technique of Virgil Finlay, and finely done woodcuts. As an adult Benny comes across this former unrequited love…does he concoct a disturbing sex fantasy, or has he been seduced by her and her two lovely companions? In her stippled, highly detailed illustrative style, Bunjevac crafts a gripping noirish, Nabokovian tale–sensual and disturbing. Bunjevac’s retelling follows a selfish young priestess, who is reborn as a young boy captivated with masterbation and one particular young woman. The jumping-off point of this graphic novel is the myth of Artemis and Siproites, in which a young man is turned into a woman as a punishment for the attempted rape of one of Artemis’ virgin cohorts.